Exchange Program at NCKU


National Cheng Kung University has opened for an Exchange Program for fall entrance 2019.

List of English Taught Program:

(1) International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management
(2) International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy(IBDP-E)
(3) International Master/Doctoral Degree Program on Energy Engineering (IBDP-E)
(4) The International Curriculum for Advanced Materials Program (iCAMP)
(5) International Master Program of Civil Engineering and Management
(6) Institute of Creative Industries Design (ICID)
(7) Institute of International Management (IMBA)
(8) International Advanced Program in Nursing(IAPN)
(9) Institute of Allied Health Sciences

Online nomination by institution : :  Deadline April 1,2019

Online application by the nominee(s): : Deadline April 15, 2019 

Required Documents

1. Headshot photo (JPG, < 5mb)
2. Official enrollment certificate (PDF, < 5mb)
3. Latest official transcript in English (PDF, < 5mb)
4. Autobiography* (PDF, < 5 mb)
5. Study plan for the exchange period (PDF, < 5mb, preferably including your course list)
6. Recommendation letters (PDF, < 5mb, at least 2, dated and signed by the referrers*)
7. Financial statement issued by a bank/financial institution* (PDF, < 5mb)
8. Passport’s information page (PDF, < 5mb)
9. Photo ID, both sides (PDF, < 5 mb, Required for Chinese nationality only)
10. Certificate(s) of Chinese language or English language proficiency (PDF, < 5mb, optional)
11. Other supporting documents (PDF, < 30mb, optional. Applicants, who are required to provide
their portfolios of work, should submit the files here.)
12. Confirmation Page (PDF, < 5mb)
Students can download and print the Confirmation Page from the application portal, NCKU Online
Application, AFTER they complete the preceding requirements of the application process.
The Confirmation Page has to be proofed and signed by the applicant, and then signed by his/her
exchange coordinator of the home university (fee-paying students can skip the coordinators’ signature).
When finished, a scanned copy of this document should be uploaded to the portal to complete the
application. If you find any errors on your Confirmation Page, you may mark the error(s) on the printout
before you submit it to the system. We will update your application accordingly on your behalf.

Department Requirements for Exchange Students at NCKU, AY2019/2020 (MUST READ)

For more application information, please follow this link.