Page 7 - SUT Handbook
P. 7


                                         DO YOU LIKE THAI FOOD?

                       -CANTEEN ON CAMPUS-                        -FOOD OFF CAMPUS-

           CENTRAL CANTEEN                                    GATE 1 MARKET

           It located near SUT transportation                 It located in front of Gate 1. It sells
           station, serving breakfast and lunch               many kind of foods and fresh

           daily. Price per dish is around 25-40              ingredients. You will find 7-11, mini
           Thai Baht, mostly closed during term               mart, hair salon, goods and others
           break.                                             stuffs that you may need at gate 1

           STUDY COMPLEX CANTEEN 1-2                         GATE 4 MARKET

           It located near next to the study                 It located in front of Gate 4. It sells
           complex 1-2 with the 2 canteen                    many kind of foods and fresh
           building you will find various of Thai            ingredients. You will find 7-11, mini
           food inculding Halal food, serving                supermarket such as Big-C and Lotus
           breakfast and lunch daily. Price per              express, gas station and whole sale

           dish is around 25-50 Thai Baht.                   store.

           KASALONGKHAM CANTEEN                                              SUT products

                                                                            @ SUT Farm Mart
           It located at the central                                  open daily from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
           undergraduate student dormitory

           area near SUT gate 4, serving
           breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.
           Price per dish is around 25-40 Thai
           Baht, mostly closed during term


           You may find food to eat around the
           campus, go explore and get some food!
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