Int'l Student News


Suranaree University of Technology announced the new Rector (acting),  

Associate Professor Dr. Anan Tongraar to be in the position from 1st August 2021 onwards 


Introducing the new CIA Director (Acting)

Dr. Mallika Saengsanit (Acting), Vice President for Participation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and she was appointed as Acting Director of the Center for International Affairs to be in the position from 3rd August 2021 onwards.


CIA  conducting the online meeting for SUT International Students via ZOOM on 2021 January, 13

Center for International Affairs, SUT conducting the online meeting for SUT International Students via ZOOM meeting on Wednesday 13th January 2021.

There are 65 ID participated with the students who staying abroad and in Thailand.

The meeting hosting by Asst. Prof. Dr. Veena Phunpeng (Aj. Jane), Deputy Director, Center for International Affairs
and Miss Hataikan Tongjareon (P Tee)
The agenda including
✅ COVID-19 situation worldwide and in Thailand
✅ How to Enter Thailand
✅ COVID-19 Preventing Measures in Thailand and SUT
✅ Online Study
✅ International Student’s Problem and obstacle
✅ Q&A sharing information
The presentation is available at


Congratulations to Mr. Arfat Ahmad Khan, SUT Alumni, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Telecommunication and Computer Engineering graduation year 2018 appointed lecturer in School of Manufacturing Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology announced on 1st December 2020. 

Congratulations to our friends, international graduates in Academic year 2019 and attend the Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand commencement ceremony on 9th November 2020. 

Miss WU MEIJING a Master Degree's holder in English Language Studies
Mr. THEARITH CHEN a Master Degree's holder in Civil Engineering
Mr. CHAMROEUN SE a Master Degree's holder in Transportation Engineering
The 3 graduates receiving gifts from Asst. Prof. Dr. Veena Phunpeng, Deputy Director, Center for International Affairs.



SUT invites student, alumni, staff member and all to draw unlimited fanart picture about SUT with all technics, the best one will be used in the SUT calendar of year 2021 and the artist will get a special gift from SUT
Please feel free to send your artwork by the following conditions
- Landscape picture of 10 x 7 inches minimum of 300dpi resolution
- Submit the picture at Google form
- Deadline 15 November 2020
- For more information please call 044-224892 or 044-224858
Source news:


Suranivet Dormitories Change room/change dorm are open for registration 


Big congratulations to our SUT international student, soon to be official Dr. Fengling Wang from China,
completed her Ph.D. Program in English Language Studies, Institute of Social Technology, Suranee University of Technology in Trimester 1/2020.


SUT international students in the undergraduate International Engineering Program awarded academic excellence as a top of the class in Academic year 2019.
Mr. BunDam Ro, a 4th year student, School of Civil Engineering, Mr. Sopanha Yim, a 3rd year student, School of Civil Engineering and Mr. Phirom Boun, 2nd year student, school of Petrochemical and Polymer Engineering are students under Royal Scholarship under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Education Project to the Kingdom of Cambodia, together with Mr. Buminthep Puel, a 4th year student, School of Mechanical Engineering. They are receiving a certificate from SUT Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Weerapong Pairsuwan on 8th October 2020.

Congratulations to all students!
(Left to right: Sopanha, Bumithep, Phirom, BunDam)  


Big congratulations to our SUT international student friend! 

Ms. Chau Ngoc Tran, a Ph.D student under SUT - Ph.D. Scholarship Program for ASEAN from Vietnam has completed her Ph.D Program in Environmental Engineering,Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand in Trimester 1 of Academic Year 2020.

Chúc mừng Em nhé! (Congratulations to you in Vietnamese)


In the graduation year 2020 SUT International students graduated from Doctoral Degree Program, Master Degree Program and Bachelor's Degree. There are 20 graduated students on the list to participate the Commencement ceremony scheduled in November 2020.

On 6th-7th November 2020 is the first and second rehearsal, on 8th November 2020 is the final rehearsal and the 9th November 2020 is the Commencement ceremony day. Congratulations to all. 

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