International Student Orientation for Semester 1/2024, July 5, 2024

On July 5, 2024, the Center for International Affairs hosted an orientation for international students enrolled in Semester 1/2024. The event was co-hosted by the Center for Educational Services, the Center for Library Resources and Educational Media, the Center for Computer Services, the Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment and Division of Student Affairs.

The orientation covered various essential topics to help new international students acclimate to university life and included the following key presentations:

Welcome and Introduction

Asst. Prof. Dr.Tapany Patcharawit, Deputy Director of the Center for International Affairs, along with Ms. Hathaikan Thongcharoen, provided an overview of campus life, important university regulations, visa renewals, 90-day reporting, transportation arrangements to the Immigration Bureau, and travel information both on and off-campus.

Academic Registration

Dr. Akkaphon Wongkoblap, Deputy Director of the Center for Educational Services, explained the registration process, essential details about course enrollment, and how to access various services offered by the Center for Educational Services.

Library Services

Dr. Natthaya Phueakphong, Director of the Center for Library Resources and Educational Media, introduced the library membership application process, borrowing and returning books, and other educational media services. She also demonstrated the use of various tools available in the library to facilitate students’ academic work.

IT Services

Asst. Prof. Dr.Menglim Hoy Dr. Min Lim Hoy, Deputy Director of the Center for Computer Services, provided information on the IT services available, including email account setup, Wi-Fi access, and other computing services essential for students.

Scientific and Technological Facilities

Asst. Prof. Dr. Thipwan Fangsuwannarak, Deputy Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment and Dr. Kamollak Thiamthaisong. staff gave an overview of the laboratory services available, including guidelines for using the labs for educational purposes.

Student Affairs

Miss Thanaporn Phongsin and Team from the Division of  Student Affairs gave insights on accessing various student services, including scholarship applications, student loan information, counseling services, dormitory facilities, and student activities.

This comprehensive orientation aimed to ensure that international students have all the necessary information and resources to thrive during their time at the university. The Center for International Affairs remains committed to supporting international students in every aspect of their academic and social life.