Suranaree University of Technology by Assist. Dr. Wipawee Usaha, Director, Center for International Affairs, welcomed Mr. Xavier GROSMAITRE, Attaché for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation, along with Ms. Gabrielle LENORMAND and Mr. Pollawat Kantapom from Campus France, Embassy of France in Thailand, who were presenters at “the Campus France University Tour 2022” event to promote French scholarships and research grants to faculty members, Researchers and students of Suranaree University of Technology in meeting room C2-124, Academic Building 2, on September 30, 2022, divided into two topic groups as follows:
Topic 1. “Research, Research Grants and Academic Cooperation with France” For faculty and researchers, 20 participants
Topic 2. “Studying in France and Scholarships” for SUT Students 70 participants
Information for both Topics, please click
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Campus France, Embassy of France in Thailand, schedule an event, “Campus France Tour 2022”, to promote education in France including scholarships, research grants and academic cooperation to SUT faculty member, students, staff, and interested parties, on Friday, September 30, 2022, from 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. at Meeting Room C2-124, Academic Building 2, Suranaree University of Technology. In this regard, the Center for International Affairs invites interested parties to participate in such activities. Please register at https://bit.ly/3DwiLFw.
Campus France สถานเอกอัครราชทูตฝรั่