On Feb 12, 2022, thirty one Thai and international SUT students joined a pre-Valentine’s Day trip organized by CIA to Khao Yai attractions.

The trip started off with a visit to Happy Valley event with a short natural trail walk into the venue at Thammada Experiences (https://thammada.org) in Khao Yai community. Organized by local self-sufficiency and conservation awareness groups, the event offered visitors and students the self-sufficient way of living.

Students were shown the simplicity of the dirt-brick laid walls and upcycled milk carton roof tiles building, wood-crafted toys, natural-colored painting, local silk goods, sampled organic vegatables from Goono farm, and also experienced tree-climbing adventures. Also exhibiting at the event were teams from SUT’s ANSEE-Khao Yai research project to promote awareness on carbon footprint and ways to reduce it as well as clean innovative solar energy storage solutions which are commercialized research outcomes from SUT. ANSEE -Khao Yai, short for the Advanced Nanomaterials for Enhancing of Sustainable Energy and Environment for Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai World Heritage, is a large research team formed by over 40 multidisciplinary researchers to bring innovations and expertise from SUT to address pressing environment issues for the Khao Yai National Park and local communities.

With showers in the afternoon, the group later visited the Khao Yai Art Museum for displayed art collections from leading Thai artists after a brief break at the renowned Chocolate Factory. With the opened skies later in the afternoon, the group ended their day with a visit to the Flowers Village a new chic attraction in the area displaying expanse flora garden and selfie spots with an open air café and bakery. Photo album