The Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation has announced that Indonesian higher education institutions are extending scholarship opportunities to international students.
- Future Global Leaders Scholarship: Universitas Islam Indonesia is inviting applications for partial scholarships ranging from bachelor’s to doctorate levels.
The first application period runs from January 22 to April 28, 2024, with a second round from October 1 to December 2, 2024.
Interested candidates can find more information and apply at the official website: https://pmb.uii.ac.id/ international/scholarships/ - Excellent Scholarship Program: Mercu Buana University is offering the Excellent Scholarship to cover full tuition for the entire study period of four years for a Bachelor’s degree or three years for a Diploma. Additionally, the 1 Semester Scholarship will subsidize 50 to 75 percent, or the full amount, of the first semester’s tuition. Applications for the online scholarship exam are open from April 1 to May 16, 2024, with the exam scheduled for May 18, 2024.
Further details and application procedures can be found on their website: https://pendaftaran.mercubuana.ac.id/registerbeasiswainter
The Permanent Secretary’s Office believes these scholarships will greatly benefit students, including those from Thailand, and urges educational institutions to disseminate this information to interested parties.