Congratulations to Dr. Mullika Sungsanit

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On September 21, 2022, Dr. Mullika Sungsanit, Vice Rector for Engagement, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Suranaree University of Technology has been chosen as the new ASEAUNINET national coordinator by ASEA UNINET university coordinators in Thailand. Taking on the position after Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thakerng Wongsirichot, Vice President for International Affairs at Prince of Songkhla University, Dr. Mullika Sungsanit will hold the ASEA-UNINET Thailand National Coordinator for a term of eighteen months coordinating network affairs within the country, as well as representing Thai universities at ASEA-UNINET’s national
coordinator meetings and plenary meetings. 

ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting

Earlier this year, on July 25-29, 2022, Dr. Mullika Sungsanit, Vice Rector for Engagement, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Asst. Prof. Dr. Wipawee Usaha, Director of Center for International Affairs represented SUT at the ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting, hosted by Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Australia.

Held in person for the first time post outbreak, the Plenary Meeting brings together over 110 participants from Austrian government funding agencies, such as Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education (OeAD), Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalization (OeADGmBH), researchers and representatives from international offices/ ASEAUNINET Coordinators from universities in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Pakistan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. The event brings together participants to exchange dialogs on the direction of international collaboration strategies, funding challenges and opportunities of the network post outbreak. An election for the new ASEA-UNINET president and new member universities was also held. In addition, the Bernd Rode Award (BRA) to outstanding collaborative research and updates of activities by each national coordinator were presented. The were also workgroups discussing impactful issues such as

  • How to strengthen collaboration in the network
  • How to promote interdisciplinary research
  • How to increase opportunity for funding
  • How to promote young researcher
  • Network development strategies


ASEAN-European Academic University Network, or ASEA-UNINET, was founded by Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam in 1994.

ASEA-UNINET consists of European and South-east Asian universities and was established with a goal to
promote continuous internationalization of education and research.

Today, more than 80 institutions from 18 countries are in the network, over 100 bilateral and multilateral multidisciplinary projects are funded, joint labs have been formed, PhD and Postdoctoral scholarships
have been granted in addition to workshops, conferences, seminars and webinars carried out. There
is no limit to academic cooperation.