SUT student to Japan for a Transformative gPBL Experience at SIT, Japan! :December 10-19, 2024


Five outstanding undergraduate students from the Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thailand, have been selected to participate in the global Project-Based Learning (gPBL) program at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan. The program will take place from December 10, 2024, to December 19, 2024, at SIT’s Omiya Campus.

This prestigious opportunity allows students to collaborate on innovative projects, exchange knowledge, and gain hands-on experience in an international academic environment. The selected students represent a diverse range of engineering disciplines, showcasing SUT’s commitment to fostering global-ready graduates.

The participating students are:

  1. [B67] Mr. Htet Ko Lwin
    Petrochemical and Polymer Engineering International Program

  2. [B66] Miss Htet Shwe Sin Win
    Petrochemical and Polymer Engineering International Program

  3. [B64] Miss Praninut Champaprida
    Petrochemical and Polymer Engineering International Program

  4. [B65] Miss Siripanchara Promnil
    Manufacturing Automation and Robotics Engineering Program

  5. [B66] Mr. Teeraphiboon Termprommarat
    Mechatronics Engineering Program

This collaboration between SUT and SIT highlights the strong academic partnership between the two institutions and provides students with a platform to develop their technical, cultural, and problem-solving skills on a global stage.

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Mr. Htet Ko Lwin 

Miss Htet Shwe Sin Win

Miss Praninut Champaprida 

Miss Siripanchara Promnil