CONGRATULATIONS !!!! We, CIA so proud of the new graduates!!!
Dr. Toan Le Thanh, Ph.D. in Crop Production Technology
Mr. Channy Roth, Master Degree in English Language Studies
Mr. Kompheak Mom, Master Degree in Remote Sensing
Mr. Kyaw Htut, Master Degree in Transportation Engineering
Dr. Nguyen Duy Linh, Ph.D. in English Language Studies
Mr. Jordan Hakim Hossea, Master Degree in Shcool of Electronics and Photonic Engineering, Institute of Engineering
Dr. Giovanna Fae Oguis Ph.D in Mathematics
You are Awesome, all of you who graduated this year. Sorry that CIA can’t do much about the graduation ceremony, but we always support you international students.
Wish you all achieve more and more in the future.
News by: Miss Hataikan Tongiareon