Special Short Talk on “ASEA-UNINET Funding and Opportunities”

::Call for Participation::

Special Short Talk on “ASEA-UNINET Funding and Opportunities”
by Professor Dietmar Haltrich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
Prof.Haltrich is the ASEA-UNINET coordinator for BOKU.

Date: Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Time: 10.00-11.00h
Venue: Meeting Room C2-124, Academic Building 2 (C2)
30 minutes talk
10 minutes overview of previous collaborations
20 minutes Q&A.


The objective of the session is to provide SUT students, postgrad students, post doctorate researchers, faculty members an insight of the wide range of funding and opportunities which have been offered and initiated by ASEA-UNINET to sustainably promote and strengthen long term research collaboration in the region. As the ASEA-UNINET national coordinator for Thailand, SUT looks forward to taking on its role to promote new partnerships and strengthen ties with ASEA-UNINET.