Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Indonesia invitation for Students at Suranaree University of Technology_REAls, UM iFest, EJx 2020

1.  “Rethinking EurAsia Lecture Series (REAls 2020)

This event invites students all over the world to participate in the international lecture series on ‘Popular Culture Made (in) Asia’ to stimulate academic discussion on the topic and deepen mutual understanding about and among European and Asian Community. The lecture series consists of 8 meetings with 14 world-renowned lecturers from 8 countries around Asia and Europe. This event will be held on:

Day, Date: Every Friday, (7 September – 30 October 2020)
Time   : 1.30 – 4.30 PM (Jakarta Time/GMT +7)

As a partner university, your students are eligible to apply as:
– credit earning student: applicants will be required to attend all the lectures and do the final assignment of Asian Studies course. By the end of the course, they will receive 2 credits for attending the Asian Studies course.
– international seminar participant: applicants can choose as many meetings and topics as they want that belong to their interest and they are not required to do the final assignment. They will also get a certificate as a proof of their attendance in the meeting.

*Nb: Please note that the English Proficiency Certificate stated in the poster is not compulsory as long as the students have a good command of English.

Registration form: https://bit.ly/InternationalReals
Please note the deadline of application is on 28 August 2020.
For more information: http://oia.um.ac.id/reals/international

2. UM International Festival (UM iFest) 2020

UM iFest invites international fellows (non-Indonesian) and UM iCamp alumni to explore Indonesian languages, cultures, and tourisms through international virtual workshops and competitions. The workshops will be held for 5 days with 5 different exciting topics. Following the online workshop, students could also participate in various online competitions to challenge students’ creativity. The poster and video teaser of the event are attached in this email.

Workshop timeline:
Online workshops: 21 – 25 September 2020

Registration deadline: 14 September 2020
Participant confirmation: 17 September 2020
Workshop Registration: 

Competition timeline:
Registration: 5 October 2020
Deadline of project submission: 10 October 2020
Announcement: 15 October 2020
Competition Registration: https://intip.in/umifestcompetition

How to apply?
More info: oia.um.ac.id/umifest