National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) invited SUT’s students to join the 2021 NCKU International Summer School with the topic Sustainable Environment, Myth or Reality?
It includes SDG core courses themed as Sustainable Recovery, field trips featured to related local infrastructures/industries, Crash Class in Chinese & City Tour for their extra options.
Although the pandemic is still going on, the format of the course will be hybrid this year, students from overseas can join the program virtually.
-Nomination deadline: June 8th (Nomination list as attached)
-Numbers of nominees: 5
Subject to the limited resources, we will need to evaluate and screen the applications.
We’ll send application links to your nominees and announce the final results after reviewing.
Below are the detail Information of the summer school:
Theme: Sustainable Environment, Myth or Reality?
Date: 2021/08/02~2021/08/11
Application Deadline: 2021/06/20
Number of Participants: Maximum of 30 students in class; maximum of 50 students with virtual participation
Format: Hybrid: On- campus (for students in Taiwan) + Virtual (for overseas students)
All courses will be taught in English, English proficiency is required.
For more information please see website: