The Embassy of of Bhutan celebrated the 111th National Day of the Kingdom of Bhutan

On Monday 17th December 2018, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) joined the Reception Dinner at Anatara Siam Bangkok Hotel on the occasion of the 111th National Day of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

His Excellency Ambassador Tshewang Chophel Dorji, who visitedSUT in September this year, kindly invited SUT executives to attend the event. The SUT representatives included the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Internationalisation, the Vice Rector for Finance and General Administration, the Rector Assistant for University Council Affairs and the Deputy Director of the Centre for International Affairs.

His Excellency Ambassador Tshewang Chophel Dorji also spent some time talking to the SUT members regarding the SUTscholarship being provided to a Bhutanese student, who will be handpicked by the Bhutanese Royal Palace to study at SUT.

In addition, there was a chance to meet the Ambassador of South Africa to Thailand, His Excellency Mr. Geoff Doidge at the Reception, too. HIs Excellency Mr. Geoff Doidge visited SUTbetween 7th and 8th May this year.