Call for Applications: DIES-Training Course UNILEAD 2025, Strict closing date of the application:October 15, 2024.


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L) at the University of Oldenburg (Germany) are jointly organising the eighteenth DIES University Leadership and Management Training Course UNILEAD in Oldenburg, enabling young managers at higher education institutions in developing and emerging countries to successfully tackle every-day challenges. In order to do so, the programme brings together the topics Project Management, Strategic Management & Academic Leadership and Human Resource Management with individual and practice-oriented change projects of each participant.

UNILEAD is targeting higher education managers from developing and emerging countries who have just been promoted to a position with management responsibilities. The aim is to equip these managers with the necessary leadership skills to successfully master the challenges that lie ahead of them. The greatest benefit and success are therefore enjoyed by participants who are still at the beginning of their management career.

The two key criteria for applicants are:

  • Applicants have been holding a university management position with managerial and personnel responsibilities no longer than 4 years
  • Active and excellent English language skills (speaking and writing)

The University of Oldenburg is the academic coordinator of this training course and works closely together with the DAAD.  With the C3L, the University of Oldenburg has a renowned institution for continuing education that offers various international and national programmes such as part-time study programmes, certificate and degree programmes for professionals of (higher) education institutions. Thus, it has a wide network of experts who act as lecturers and provides in-depth experience in the field of education management and continuing education. International and national lecturers will bring in expertise in higher education management and will help reflecting the specific questions from an international and intercultural perspective.

Applications can be submitted via the online application form on the UNILEAD-website at

Strict closing date of the application is October 15, 2024, 10.00 CEST.

Further details for UNILEAD can be found in the attachment.

The university of Oldenburg and the Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L) are much looking forward to applications from you or interested colleagues.

For further programme-related questions feel free to contact

Mrs. Christine Vajna
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
C3L – Center for Lifelong Learning
26129 Oldenburg | Germany