SUT in the Spotlight in Multi-Chamber of Commerce event “Sustainability for Business Forum 2023”

Today (May 18, 2023), Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) joined a multi-chamber of commerce event, “Sustainability for Business Forum 2023” event, co-hosted by Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Swiss-Thai Chamber of Commerce, and the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce. Held as a major multi-national chamber of commerce event for the Continue Reading

ATU-Net Young Research Grant 2023, Deadline : May 12, 2023

Asia Technological University Network (ATU-Net) is now accepting proposals for its signature programme, the ATU-Net Young Researcher Grant 2023 (ATU-Net YRG 2023) with the theme “Science and Technology”. The application is open to all lecturers who are currently serving in any member institutions of ATU-Net who meet the following criteria: • 40 years Continue Reading

ASAIHL Fellowship Program, participants will be subsidized in part of their expenses.

We are pleased to announce the ASAIHL Fellowship program for a distinguished Scholar to visit an ASAIHL member institution.  The purpose of the Fellowship is to enable faculty or staff members to spend time visiting at an ASAIHL member institution.  ASAIHL will pay a supplementary living allowance of US$100 per day or Continue Reading

ASEA-UNINET Project Call 2023-2024, Deadline: April 20, 2023

Collaborate with international universities through the ASEA-UNINET Project.    Apply now for funding to support your joint research or teaching initiatives. Funding covers travel and living expenses for transcontinental mobilities. Applications are open until April 20, 2023, for the implementation period from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024. Find an Austrian Continue Reading

SUT and WACE Sign MOU to Advance Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, March 13, 2023

Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) and the World Association for Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (WACE) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (CWIE) development. The MOU was signed at SUT Bangkok Office on Monday, March 13th,2023. Associate Professor Dr. Anan Tongraar, Rector of SUT, welcomed Continue Reading


The World Technology Universities Network (WTUN) is hosting the 2023 Student Competition, Theme “INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY “ Seeking new and innovative solutions to address the goals, and we invite project proposals from student teams (undergraduate, postgraduate or a combination and preferably multi-disciplinary).WTUN invites students to submit Continue Reading