Songkran Holiday Host activity for SUT students and staff

Center for International Affairs hosted the Songkran Holiday Host activity for SUT students and staff. The international students visited the hosts home during Songkran holiday 2023. The Center for International Affairs (CIA) recently organized an extraordinary event to celebrate the much-anticipated Songkran Holiday 2023. With the aim of promoting cultural exchange and Continue Reading

ATU-Net Young Research Grant 2023, Deadline : May 12, 2023

Asia Technological University Network (ATU-Net) is now accepting proposals for its signature programme, the ATU-Net Young Researcher Grant 2023 (ATU-Net YRG 2023) with the theme “Science and Technology”. The application is open to all lecturers who are currently serving in any member institutions of ATU-Net who meet the following criteria: • 40 years Continue Reading

ASAIHL Fellowship Program, participants will be subsidized in part of their expenses.

We are pleased to announce the ASAIHL Fellowship program for a distinguished Scholar to visit an ASAIHL member institution.  The purpose of the Fellowship is to enable faculty or staff members to spend time visiting at an ASAIHL member institution.  ASAIHL will pay a supplementary living allowance of US$100 per day or Continue Reading

Franco-Thai Mobility Programme / PHC SIAM 2024 – 2025, Deadline: June 16, 2023.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) in Thailand, together with  the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in France are now accepting proposals for joint research projects under Thai-French cooperation (Franco-Thai Cooperation Program in Higher Education and Research/Franco-Thai Mobility Continue Reading

SUT shortlist in THE AWARDS ASIA 2023 for Outstanding Contribution for Environmental Leadership

SUT has been shortlisted in the category for  Outstanding Contribution for Environmental Leadership its entry titled “Innovations for Climate Neutral Sustainable Tourism at Khao Yai National Park.” Selected from university submissions across Asia, SUT was enlisted in the final 8 universities in the category in the THE Awards Asia 2023, an award Continue Reading

Join the COIL#4: Collaborate with Students from SUT and HCC on Cross-Country Learning and Workshops via Online Platform Starting March 27th, 2023

COIL is a Collaboration International Learning project & Cross country Learning + workshop (online platform) between students from SUT & students from HCC (Howard Community College, Maryland, USA) This is the fourth program already!!! The classes will be in evening time or morning time on– March 27, 2023– April 10, 2023– April Continue Reading