Suranaree University of TechnologyHosts Exchange Students from Akita University, Japan, September 18, 2023

On September 18, 2023, SUT was pleased to welcome a group of exchange students from the School of Nursing at Akita University, Japan. The warm reception was extended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chatchai Jothiyangkoon,
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, who also acting the Dean of the Institute of Nursing for the occasion.

As well as Asst. Prof. Dr. Tapany Patcharawit, the Deputy Director of the Center for International Affairs presented SUT overview information for the exchange students at the meeting room 5, Academic building 2. The visiting students were given a special campus tour, organized by the Center for International Affairs. This tour provided them with a glimpse into the university’s facilities and the academic environment.

The exchange students from Akita University are expected to spend a productive and culturally enriching period at Suranaree University of Technology from 17-23 September 2023, and their visit marks another step towards strong international collaborations with international partnerships.