SUT welcome students from HUHST and ZJSU, China.

Between Sunday 20th May and 2nd June 2018, twenty-three students from Huan University of Humanities, Science andTechnology (HUHST) and thirteen students from Zhejian Gongshang University (ZJSU) will join SUT-HUHST-ZJSU Student Exchange programme at Suranaree University of Technology. They will be joined by many SUT students who act as volunteers for the programme.

On Monday 21st May, the students were welcomed to SUT andgiven brief orientation by the Centre for International Affairs (CIA) before taking part in the planned activities.

This SUT-HUHST-ZJSU Student Exchange Programme will be a platform for students to meet new friends, to have meaningful experiences by doing some valuable activities, and to develop their English communication skills.

SUT, HUHST and ZJSU have done short-term student exchange many times. However, collaboration in other areas are needed to further the relationship.

CIA, therefore, discussed the issue with Ms. Yang Liu, a ForeignAffairs Liaison from HUHST, who has come with the students toSUT. It has been agreed, in principles, that HUHST will provide fulland partial scholarships for SUT students to study Chinese for one year at HUHST. Once CIA has received the documents and detail of the scholarships, public announcements will be made and the application process can begin.

Furthermore, having Chinese instructors from HUHST come toSUT and Surawiwat School to teach Chinese classes is another possibility. Ms. Liu has promised to take this request back to HUHST and discuss it with her Director.

::: Photo gallery :::

Thai dance

Let see the professsional, SUT students from Thai dance club. Thank you all for teaching exchange students to learn our culture in Thai traditional petformance. CIA-SUT ❤️

โพสต์โดย Cia Sut เมื่อ 31 พฤษภาคม 2018

Study thai language

Mr. Digger read Thai. CIA-SUT❤️

โพสต์โดย Cia Sut เมื่อ 30 พฤษภาคม 2018



Informed Source:   SUT Academic Affairs and Internationalisation