Scholarships from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

Scholarships for Partner Universities’ Students/Staffs (SUT) Enrolling in Ph.D. Degree Course at the Shibaura Inst. of Tech., Japan for the 2020 Academic Year.

Fees for matriculation and full tuition will be waived
Living expenses, 142,000 JPY/month
Maximum Duration 3 years **Renew Annually**

Enrollment in Fall 2020:
Application period : from May 21th (Tue.), 2020 12:00 (JST) to June 4th (Tue.) [through online]
Admission time: October 1, 2020

Application Guideline:…

Contact Person:
Lect. Dr. Somsak Siwadamrongpong:
Asst Prof. Dr. Chitapong Wechtaisong: